How to create a results driven media plan
Media plans are not just a planning tool for big media agencies outlining marketing investment and activities. They are useful for anyone managing marketing activities to keep track of investments. Usually a media plan reflects the investments necessary in each type of media in relation to your communication and marketing plan for the year.
This article focuses solely on digital media and I want to add another layer to the media plan which is return of investment (ROI) and helps you set-up your own media plan by yourself.
7 tips on how to improve your Instagram
Instagram has changed a lot since it first launched. In the beginning it was all about the arty-indie images and the heavy use of filters. Then it has progressed beyond that and almost no instagram-superstar uses heavy filterers and frames anymore and everyone is aiming for pro-photo quality, attention to detail and elaborative storytelling.
I've gathered 5 creative instagram accounts that I think uses the strenghts of instagram brilliantly. And a few notes on what they have in common, in the end - which you can take with you and learn from.
How to Host effective meetings
Meetings can be both stressful and the single most effective way to move a project to the next level. The earlier if you have too many meetings in a row without a clear purpose, the latter to work through challenges, that may be perceived as greater than they actually are while being discussed in epic emails back and forth.