An action list to build the foundation for modern marketing for your business
During April I put down some of my thoughts on what I would have done if I was a CMO or CEO for a small business during Covid-19, in regards to marketing and communication. (It’s available over here, no email
Five business crucial cornerstones for your CRM department
A crash course in social media crisis management
Or - when a porn star stole my twitter handle and this is what I learned!
When I was young, I was a geek (in fact, I guess I still am) who grew up in a rural small town in Sweden. I played video games and spent a considerable amount of time online, dialling up through a 56 Kbps modem to connect with the world. During that time it was awesome to have nicks to hang around chat-rooms and upload sketches to deviant art. I had a new nickname almost every year. So when I got myself a twitter handle, I conjured up a nick name as a handle. If I would join twitter today, I would use my real name as I now have a different focus then back in te days ;)SEO – how to spread content and get backlinks to your website
This article is the next step once you have got your most basic SEO groundwork done and focuses on how you can spread the useful content you have now produced and started to publish to get links to your website on specific topics and start to own them.
SEO and content marketing go hand in hand. Some of these channels requires modification of the content, in terms of image cards or similar, its a small adjustment that will have big impact.
But before you head into this remind yourself of your own company purpose and target audience in these channels, so that you don't just push content, do it in a thoughtful way that aligns with your overarching strategy and of course is both useful and relevant for your target audience and on brand.
Note that this article is written in the beginning of 2017 and from what is relevant now, how these platforms are used now. This is definitely subject to change :)
So here is 16 ideas on how you can spread the word about the useful content you have now created, on topics you want to own that can help your customers.