Book review: The Dip by Seth Godin
There is no surprise to anyone at this point that I follow Seth Godin. Besides reading many of his books I also taken his Modern Marketing class on Skillshare that I highly recommend.
This is a dainty little book that I picked up a few years ago, while coming across this goldmine on Amazon where I could by used books and have them shipped all the way to Sweden from the States (I haven’t found many Seth Godin books in Sweden thus far). Some of the books even have the library stamps, see though plastic covers and that unmistakable library scent. I don’t mind as it adds to the experience of reading the book. Now this book is a very easy read in terms of the number of pages the book consist of. It’s a book that explores the topic of when you should quit and when you should actually commit. It’s a swift afternoon read that you can get done over a cup of tea on a rainy summer day. Albeit swift in estimated read time, this book can leave you with big thoughts – so have a notepad ready, if you are the journalling type.
Why did I buy this book?
- At the time, I was going through something that made it challenging for me to determine if I should quit or not. My inner compass, and intuition was muddled in terms of making a decision.
Why should you read this book?
- To paraphrase from the book, the opposite of quitting is not the same as waiting around. It’s actually taking actionable steps towards what you want. It’s rededication and refocus.
- In business, quitting something is not being in blinded by love for your product or idea. Instead it’s being in love with your customers and finding ways to make them happy by adding value to their lives. Therefore quitting tactics that does not work before the’ll ruin your business.
- The book explores the dip. Something we all experience in various ways. And to help us see clearly Seth Godis uses an example from Boston marathon. No one quits at mile 25. Because that when you can see the finish line. This books helps you to determine if you are just in the dip or if you actually are in a situation where you be best to quit.
- But when should you be visualising a light in the tunnel – and when should you be realistic and just quit already? when is the best decision you can do for yourself and for your career – to actually quit something? the book explores this topic and it can help you determine between the two options and also to be kinder towards yourself. Because it’s OK to quit! You are allowed.